الاخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية
الكثير منا يتعلم اللغة الانجليزية لكن يرتكب العديد من الأخطاء في قواعدها وهذا ما نسميه الأخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية. لذلك نقدم لكم درس واسع و شامل عن أكثر الأخطاء شيوعاً في اللغة الانجليزية. و ستجد الخطأ ضمن الجملة مع تصحيح له وإضافة إلى ذلك ستجد ترجمتها لتفهم أين هو الخطأ و ما هو الصح.
Very delicious هل تعلم بأن هذه العبارة خطأ!؟ إليك 5 أخطاء شائعة تقدمها الكوتش ريم👇👇
فيديو: اخطاء شائعة بالانجليزية خاص بالبنات 🙂
الاخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية
x | I visit my uncle home many time when I was a child. | |
I visited my uncle’s home many times when I was a child. | لقد زرتُ منزل خالي مراتٍ عديدةٍ عندما كنتُ طفلاً | |
x | I’m living at 3371 grand avenue since last September. | |
I have been living at 3371 Grand Avenue since last September. | إني أسكنُ في 3371 الشارع الكبير منذ أيلول الماضي | |
x | I have been in Aleppo tow week ago. | |
I was in Aleppo two weeks ago. | كنتُ في حلب منذ مضي أسبوعين | |
x | Dormitory life is not quiet. Every one shouted and make a lot of noise in the halls. | |
Dormitory life is not quiet. Every one shouts and makes a lot of noise in the halls. | الحياة في المدينة الجامعية ليست هادئة. كل شخصٍ يصرخ و يثير الكثير من الضجيج في القاعات | |
x | My friends will meet me when I will arrive at the airport. | |
My friends will meet me when I arrive at the airport. | سيقابلني أصدقائي عندما أصل إلى المطار | |
x | Hasn’t anyone ever tell you to knock on the door before you enter someone else’s room? Didn’t your parents taught you to do that? | |
Hasn’t anyone ever told you to knock on the door before you enter someone else’s room? Haven’t your parents taught you to do that? | ألم يسبق لأحدٍ ما أن أخبرك بأن تقرع الباب قبل أن تدخل غرفةِ شخصٍ آخر؟ ألم يعلّمكَ والداك ذلك؟ | |
x | When I was a child, I viewed thing from a much lower height Many physical objects around me appear very large. When I want to move something such as a chair I need help. | |
When I was a child, I viewed things from a much lower height. Many physical objects around me appeared very large. When I wanted to move something such as a chair I needed help. | عندما كنتُ طفلاً، كنتُ أنظر إلى الأشياء من الأسفل. كانت العديد من الأشياء المادية من حولي تبدو كبيرةً جداً. عندما كنتُ أريدُ أن أحرّك شيئاً ما ككرسيٍ مثلاً كنتُ أحتاجُ المساعدة | |
x | I will intend to go back home when I will finish my education. | |
I intend to go back home when I finish my education. | أنوي أن أعودَ إلى الوطن عندما أنهي تعليمي | |
x | The phone rung while I doing the dishes. I dry my hands and answer it. When I am hear my sister voice, I very happy. | |
The phone rang while I was doing the dishes. I dried my hands and answered it. When I heard my sister’s voice, I was very happy. | رنَّ الهاتف بينما كنت أغسلُ الصحون. فجففتُ يديَّ و أجبتُ عليه. عندما سمعتُ صوتَ أختي، كنتُ سعيدةً جداً | |
x | I am in the Lattakia for the last four months. During thus time, I had done many thing and saw many place. | |
I have been in Lattakia for the last four months. During this time, I have done many things and seen many places. | إنني في اللاذقية منذ الشهور الأربعة الماضية. خلال هذا الوقت، قمتُ بالكثير من الأشياء و شاهدتُ الكثير من الأماكن | |
x | When the old man started to walk back to his cave, the sun has already bided itself behind the mountain. | |
When the old man started to walk back to his cave, the sun had already hidden behind the mountain. | عندما بدأ الرجلُ العجوز يمشي عائداً إلى كهفهِ، كانت الشمس قد غابتْ خلفَ الجبل | |
x | While I am writing my composition last night, someone knocks on the door. | |
While I was writing my composition last night, someone knocked on the door. | بينما كنتُ أكتبُ موضوعيَ الإنشائي الليلة الماضية، قرعَ أحدهم الباب | |
x | Unless I study very hard, I will pass all of my exams. | |
Unless I study very hard, I won’t pass all of my exams. | إن لم أدرس بجد، فإنني لن أنجح في امتحاني | |
x | My shoes and pants got muddy. Even though I walked carefully through the wet streets. | |
My shoes and pants got muddy even though I walked carefully through the wet streets. | اتسخ حذائي و بنطالي بالوحل مع أنني مشيتُ بحذرٍ في الشوارع الموحلة | |
x | My neighborhood is quiet and safe however I always lock my doors. | |
My neighborhood is quiet and safe. However, I always lock my doors. | المنطقة المجاورة لبيتي هادئة و آمنة. و مع ذلك فإنني أقفل أبواب بيتي دائماً | |
x | Although I usually don’t like French food, but I liked the food I had at the French restaurant last night. | |
Although I don’t usually like French food, I liked the food I had at the French restaurant last night. | مع أنني لا أحب الطعام الفرنسي عادةً، إلا أن الطعامَ الذي تناولتُهُ في المطعم الفرنسي الليلة الماضيةَ أعجبني | |
x | Although my room in the dormitory is very small, but I like it. Because it is a place where I can be by myself and studying in peace and quiet. | |
My room in the dormitory is very small, but I like it, because it is a place where I can be by myself and study in peace and quiet. | مع أنّ غرفتي في المدينة الجامعية صغيرةُ جداً، إلا أنني أحبها كثيراً، لأنها المكان الذي أستطيعُ أن أكون فيه بمفردي و أدرس بهدوءٍ و سلام | |
x | Despite I prefer to be a history teacher, I’m studying in the business school in order for I can get a job. | |
Although I prefer to be a history teacher, I’m studying in the business school in order to get a job. | مع أنني أفضلُ أن أصبح مدرس تاريخ، فإنني أدرس في مدرسة إدارة الأعمال لكي أحصل على عمل | |
x | A little girl approached the cage however when the tiger shows its teeth and growls she run to her mother. Because she was frightened. | |
A little girl approached the cage. However, when the tiger showed its teeth and growled, she ran to her mother, because she was frightened. | اقتربتْ فتاةٌ صغيرةٌ من القفص. و لكن، عندما كشّرَ النمر عن أنيابه و زمجرَ، ركضَتْ الفتاةُ إلى أمها لأنها خافَتْ | |
x | Many of the people working to save our environment think that they are fighting a losing battle. Because big business and the government have not joined together to eliminate pollution. | |
Many of the people working to save our environment think that they are fighting a losing battle, because big businesses and the government have not joined together to eliminate pollution. | إن العديد من الأشخاص العاملين لإنقاذ بيئتنا يظنون أنهم يقاتلون معركةً خاسرةً لأن الشركات الكبيرة و الحكومة لم تتساعد للقضاء على التلوث | |
x | Either Samer will call you or Amal. | |
Either Samer or Amal will call you. | إما سامر أو أمل ستتصل بك. | |
x | Not only Nada saw the mouse but also the cat. | |
Nada saw not only the cat but also the mouse. | ندى لم ترِ القطة فحسبْ (فقط) بل الفأرَ أيضاً | |
x | Both my mother talked to the teacher and my father. | |
Both my mother and father talked to the teacher. | تحدثَ كلٌ من والدي ووالدتي إلى المعلّم | |
x | By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives, and it costs us less. | |
By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives, and money. | بالتقييد بحد السرعة، نوفرُ الطاقةَ، الأرواح و المال | |
x | My home offers me a feeling of security, warm, and love. | |
My home offers me a feeling of security, warmth, and love. | يقدم لي منزلي شعوراً بالأمان، الدفء و الحب | |
x | The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and planting crops. | |
The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and plant crops. | تعبَ المستكشفون ليجرّدوا الغابة و يزرعوا المحاصيل. | |
x | When I refused to help her, she became very angry and shout at me. | |
When I refused to help her, she became very angry and shouted at me. | عندما رفضتُ أن أساعدها، غضبتْ كثيراً و صرختْ عليَّ | |
x | In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and to work on my stamp collection. | |
In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and working on my stamp collection. | في وقتِ فراغي، استمتعُ بالاعتناء بحوض أسماكي و بالعمل على جمع الطوابع | |
x | Either Mr. Anderson or Ms. Wiggins are going to teach our class today. | |
Either Mr. Anderson or Ms. Wiggins is going to teach our class today. | إما السيدة أندرسون أو السيد ويغنز سيدرّس صفنا اليوم | |
x | I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines. | |
I enjoy reading not only novels but also magazines. | إنني أستمتعُ بقراءة الروايات و المجلات | |
x | Oxygen is plentiful. Both air contains oxygen and water. | |
Oxygen is plentiful. Both air and water contain oxygen. | إن الأكسجين وفير. كلاً من الهواء و الماء يحوي الأكسجين | |
x | Tell the taxi driver where do you want to go. | |
Tell the taxi driver where you want to go. | أخبر سائق التكسي أين تريد أن تذهب | |
x | My roommate came into the room and asked me why aren’t you in class? | |
My roommate came into the room and asked me why I wasn’t in class? | دخلَ زميلي إلى الغرفة وسألني لماذا لم أكن في الصف. | |
x | It was my first day at the university, and I am on my way to first class. I wondered who else will be in the class. What the teacher would be like? | |
It was my first day at the university, and I was on my way to first class. I wondered who else would be in the class and what the teacher would be like. | لقد كان يومي الأول في الجامعة، و كنتُ في طريقي لدرسيَ الأول. لقد تساءلتُ من سيكون في الصف أيضاً و بماذا يتصف المعلم | |
x | He asked me that what did I intend to do after I graduate? | |
He asked me what I intended to do after I had graduated? | لقد سألني ماذا نويتُ أن أفعل بعد أن تخرجتُ | |
x | Many of the people in the United States doesn’t know much about geography. For example, people will ask you where is Japan located. | |
Many people in the United States don’t know much about geography. For example, people will ask you where Japan is located. | العديد من الناس في الولايات المتحدة لا يعرفون الكثير عن الجغرافيا. مثلاً، سيسألك الناسُ أين تقع اليابان | |
x | What does a patient tell a doctor it is confidential. | |
What a patient tells a doctor is confidential. | ما يخبره المريضُ للطبيب هو شيءٌ سريّ | |
x | The reason I decided to come here, because this university has a good meteorology department. | |
The reason why I decided to come here is that this university has a good meteorology department. | إن السبب في أنني أتيتُ إلى هنا هو أن هذه الجامعة لديها قسم جيدٌ للأرصاد الجويّة | |
x | We looked back to see where are we and how far are from camp. We don’t know, so we decided to turn back. We are afraid that we wander too far. | |
We looked back to see where we were and how far we were from camp. We didn’t know, so we decided to turn back. We were afraid that we wandered too far. | نظرنا خلفنا لنرى أين كنّا و كم ابتعدنا عن المخيم. لم نعرف، لذا فقد قررنا أن نعود أدراجنا و قد خشينا أن نكون قد تجولنا و ابتعدنا كثيراً | |
x | After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realize that I am still alive. | |
After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realized that I was still alive. | بعد الحادث، فتحتُ عينيَّ ببطءٍ و أدركتُ أنني مازلتُ حياً | |
x | My country is prospering due to it is a fact that it has become a leading producer of oil. | |
My country is prospering due to the fact that it has become a leading producer of oil. | بلدي هو بلدٌ مزدهرٌ نتيجةَ أنه أصبح منتِجاً رائداً للنفط | |
x | Is true that one must to know English in order to study at an American university. | |
Is it true that one must know English in order to study at an American university? |
أصحيحٌ أن المرء يجب أن يعرف اللغة الإنكليزية ليدرس في جامعةٍ أمريكية؟ | |
x |
My mother told me what it was the purpose of our visit. |
My mother told me what the purpose of our visit was. |
أخبرتني أمي ماذا كانت غايةُ زيارتنا | |
x |
It is important to be polite to people who lives in the same building |
It is important to be polite to people who live in the same building. |
من المهمّ أن تكون مهذباً من الناس الذين يسكنون في نفس المبنى | |
x |
She lives in a hotel is restricted to senior citizens. |
She lives in a hotel restricted to senior citizens. |
إنها تسكن في فندقٍ مخصص للمسنين | |
x |
My sister has two children, who their names are Mai and Talal. |
My sister has two children, whose names are Mai and Talal. |
أختي لديها طفلين، اسماهما مي و طلال | |
x |
He comes from Venezuela that is a Spanish-speaking country. |
He comes from Venezuela, which is a Spanish-speaking country. |
إنه من فنزويلا التي هي بلدٌ يتحدّثُ الأسبانية | |
x |
There are 4 universities in Syria, one of them locate in Damascus is the capital city. |
There are 4 universities in Syria; one of them is located in Damascus, the capital city. |
هناكَ أربع جامعاتٍ في سورية؛ إحداها تقعُ في العاصمة دمشق | |
x |
I would like to write about several problems which I had faced them since I come to United States. |
I would like to write about several problems which I have faced since I came to the United States. |
أرغبُ أن أكتبَ عن العديد من المشاكل التي واجهتني منذ أن جئتُ من الولايات المتحدة | |
x |
There is a small wooden screen separates the bed from the rest of the room. |
There is a small wooden screen that separates the bed from the rest of the room. |
هناك لوحٌ خشبيٌّ صغيرٌ يفصلُ السريرَ عن بقيّةِ الغرفة | |
x |
At the airport, I was waiting for some relatives which I had never met them before. |
At the airport, I was waiting for some relatives whom I had never met before. |
في المطار، كنتُ أنتظرُ بعضاً من أقاربي لم أكن قد التقيتهم مسبقاً | |
x |
It is almost impossible to find two person who their opinions are the same. |
It is almost impossible to find two people whose opinions are the same. |
من المستحيل تقريباً أن تجدَ شخصين قد تطابقت آراؤهم | |
x |
On the wall, there is a colorful poster which is consists of a group of young people who dancing. |
On the wall, there is a colorful poster which consists of a group of young people dancing. |
هناك مُلصقٌ إعلاني على الجدار فيهِ مجموعة شبابٍ يرقصون | |
x |
That book contain many different kind of story and article. |
That book contains many different kinds of stories and articles. |
يحوي ذلك الكتابُ أنواعاً مختلفةً من القصص و المقالات | |
x |
There is a lot of differences between United States and my country. |
There are a lot of differences between the United States and my country. |
هناك العديدُ من الفروق بين الولايات المتحدةِ و بلدي | |
x |
The English is one of the most important language in the world. |
English is one of the most important languages in the world. |
الإنكليزية هي إحدى أهم اللغاتْ في العالم | |
x |
She is always willing to help her friends in every possible ways. |
She is always willing to help her friends in every possible way. |
إنها مستعدةٌ دائماً لمساعدةِ أصدقائها بكل طريقةٍٍ ممكنة | |
x |
I don’t have enough time to make all of my homeworks. |
I don’t have enough time to do all of my homework. |
ليس لديّ وقتاً كافياً لأقوم بكل واجباتي المدرسيّة | |
x |
He succeeded in creating one of the best army in the world. |
He succeeded in creating one of the best armies in the world. |
لقد نجح بإنشاء أحد أفضل جيوش العالم | |
x |
There are many equipments in the research laboratory, but undergraduates are not allowed to use them. |
There is much equipment in the research laboratory, but undergraduates are not allowed to use it. |
هناك الكثير من الأدوات في مخبر البحث، لكن غير الخّريجين لا يُسمَحُ لهم أن يستخدموها | |
x |
All of the guest enjoyed themself at the reception. |
All of the guests enjoyed themselves at the reception. |
استمتع جميع الضيوف في الاستقبال | |
x |
I have a five years old daughter and a three years old son. |
I have a five-year-old daughter and a three- year-old son. |
لدي ابنة في الخامسةِ من عمرها و ابنٌ في الثالثةِ من عمره | |
x |
I am not accustomed to a cold weather. |
I am not accustomed to cold weather. |
لستُ معتاداً على الطقس البارد | |
x |
Each states in the country have a different language. |
Each state in the country has a different language. |
كلُّ ولاية في القُطر لها لغةٌ مختلفة | |
x |
Most of people in my apartment building is friendly. |
Most of people in my apartment building are friendly. |
معظم الأشخاص في المبنى الذي فيه شقتي لطفاءُ جداً | |
x |
A politician leader should have the ability to adapt themselves to a changing world. |
A politician leader should have the ability to adapt himself to a changing world. |
على القائد السياسي أن تكون لديه المقدرة أن يؤقلم نفسه مع العالَم المتغير. | |
x |
I dressed my clothes. |
I got dressed my clothes. |
ارتديتُ ملابسي. | |
x |
I’m interesting in his ideas. |
I’m interested in his ideas. |
إنني مهتمٌّ بأفكارهِ | |
x |
How many people have you been invited to the party? |
How many people have you invited to the party? |
كم شخصاً دعوتَ إلى الحفلة؟ | |
x |
When I returned home, everything is quiet. I walk to my room, get undress, and going to bed
When I returned home, everything was quiet. I walked to my room, got undressed, and went to bed. |
عندما عدتُ إلى البيتْ، كان كلُّ شيءٍ هادئاً. فمشيتُ إلى غرفتي، خلعتُ ثيابي، ثمَّ ذهبتُ للنوم | |
x |
I didn’t go to dinner with them because I had already been eaten. |
I didn’t go to dinner with them because I had already eaten. |
لم أذهب للعشاء معهم لأنني كنتُ قد أكلتُ مسبقاً. | |
x |
In class yesterday, I was confusing. I didn’t understand the lesson. |
In class yesterday, I was confused. I didn’t understand the lesson. |
لقد كنتُ مرتبكاً في الصف البارحة. لم أفهم الدرس | |
x |
I couldn’t move. I was very frighten. |
I couldn’t move. I was very frightened. |
لم أستطع أن أتحرك، كنتُ خائفاً | |
x |
When we were children, we are very afraid of dogs. Whenever we saw one these monsters, we run to our house before the dogs could attack us. I am still scare when I saw a dog close to me. |
When we were children, we were very afraid of dogs. Whenever we saw one those monsters, we ran to our house before the dogs could attack us. I am still scared when I see a dog close to me. |
عندما كُنّا صغاراً، كنّا نخاف من الكلاب كثيراً. كلّما كنّا نرى أحدَ تلك الوحوش، كنّا نركضُ إلى المنزل قبل أن يستطيع الكلبُ مهاجمتنا. إنني ما أزالُ أشعرُ بالخوفِ عندما أرى كلباً بالقرب مني | |
x |
One day, while the old man was cutting down a big tree near the stream, big axe was fallen into the water. He sat down and begin to cry because he does not have enough money to buy another axe. |
One day, while the old man was cutting down a big tree near the stream, his big axe fell into the water. He sat down and began to cry because he didn’t have enough money to buy another axe. |
في أحد الأيام، وبينما كان الرجل العجوز يقطعُ شجرةً كبيرةً بالقرب من الجدول، سقط فأسُهُ في الماء. فجلسَ و بدأ يبكي لأنه لم يكن لديه المالُ ليشتري فأساً آخراً |
الاخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية
Nidal Ajaj
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ظرف المكان و الزمان في الانجليزية
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لتحميل الدرس بصيغة pdf اضغط هنا
ممتاز فيديو جميل عن الاخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية
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فعلا أنهاء خطاء متكررة كثيرا بين متعلمي اللغة الانجليزية ..
شكرا على جعلنا نعرف الجمل الصحيحة
أحببت هذا المقال كثيرا عن الاخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية
والصور عن الأمثلة أعجبتني كثيرا