What is a collective noun?
A collective noun is the designation of a group whose members are referred to using one or several plural words. The most common examples in English include crowd, set, family, and team. Ex. Collective Noun: “The Crowd”.
A list of Collective Noun Examples
Here is a collective nouns list:
- A pair of shoes
- A tub of margarine
- A convoy of lorries
- A quiver of arrows
- A cast of hawks
- A ball of wool
- A catalog of prices
- A clump of reeds
- A party of friends
- A bunch of crooks
- A convoy of trucks
- A flock of geese
- A staff of employees
- A basket of fruit
- A range of mountains
- A team of oxen
- A class of students
- A culture of bacteria
- A gang of thieves
- A ream of paper
- A swarm of bees
- A set of clubs
- A piece of cookies
- A wad of notes
- A bench of magistrates
- A dicker of hides
- A fall of snow
- A bowl of soup
- A reel of film
- A pod of peas
- A pod of whales
- A covey of partridge
- A stack of wood
- An anthology of prose/poems
- An embarrassment of riches
- A bottle of milk
- A garland of sonnets
- A hedge of bushes
- A collection of coins
- A hive of bees
- A load/slice/piece of bread
- An army of ants
- A battery of artillery
- A piece of furniture
- A festival of balloons
- An exaltation of larks
- A round of applause
- A stand of flamingos
- A sheaf of grain
- A patrol of policemen
- A pocket of oranges
- A string of pearls
- A fitting of sails
- A party of jays
- A congregation of worshippers
- A pile of money
- A tube of toothpaste
- A bevy of ladies
- A shower of rain
- A troupe of artistes
- An army of frogs
- A colony of badgers
- A cackle of hyenas
- A quire of newspapers
- A company of actors
- A bolt of lightning
- A troop of mushrooms
- A pack of wolves
- An album of photographs
- A batch of cakes
- A flight of birds
- A pile of cookies
- A trip of dotterel
- A fleet of boats/vehicles/cars
- A line of kings
- A jar of honey
- A roll of coins
- A pride of lions
- A hail of bullets
- A slice of cheese
- An outfit of clothes
- A bouquet of flowers
- A rope of onions
- A serving of spoons
- A flock of sheep
- A sedge of herons
- A dynasty of kings
- A shoal of fish
- A haul of fish
- A horde of savages
- A catalog of prices
- A bale of turtles
- A packet of letters
- A bowl of rice
- A sack/pound/kilo of rice
- A flight of dragons
- A kilo of meat/sugar/apples/potatoes
- A zoo of wild animals
- A regiment of soldiers
- A nest of turtles
- A hand of bananas
- A packet of tea
- A cup of tea
- A mustering of storks
- A clump of bushes
- Bits of information
- A team of players
- A murder of crows
- A flight of stairs
- A heap of rubbish
- A bunch of keys
- A string of horses
- A flight of airplanes
- A book of notes
- A forest of trees
- A mob of kangaroos
- A board of directors
- A belt of asteroids
- A punnet of strawberries
- A block of flats
- An orchard of fruit trees
- A pair of shoes
- A rouleau of money
- A leap of leopards
- A band of musicians
- A round of drinks
- A wisp of snipe
- A pack of cards
- A batch of bread
- A school of whales
- A crew of sailors
- A chest of drawers
- A nest of mice
- A group of islands
- An archipelago of islands
- An agenda of tasks
- A swirl of paisleys
- A muster of peafowl
- A host of angels
- A bale of cotton
- A fleet of ships
- A plague of locusts
- A bar/ piece/ square of chocolate
- A choir of singers
- A galaxy of starlets
- A catch of fish
- A bundle of sticks
- A purse of winnings
- A posse of policemen
- A tribe of natives
- A troop of scouts
- A comb of bananas
- A jug of water
- A colony of gulls
- A caravan of gypsies
- A galaxy of stars
- A stud of horses
- A litter of cubs
- A battery of tests
- A mob of rioters
- A mob of deer
- A cluster of coconuts
- A bowl of flour
- A piece of jewelry
- A can of soda
- A chatter of budgerigars
- A body of men
- A gaggle of geese
- A cloud of dust
- A carton of milk
- Strands of hair
- A piece of advice
- A drove of horses
- A team of ducks
- A box of cereal
- A host of sparrows
- A troop of kangaroos
- A roll of coins
- A brace of ducks
- A harvest of wheat
- A scold of jays
- A ray of sunshine
- A sloth of bears
- A herd of curlew
To make it a little bit easier a Group – usually referring to groups of people with a common attribute: Thin – Fat – Rich… While a group of animals is usually referred to by a number of words like a herd of cattle, and a flock of birds.
About collective nouns
Knowing enough collective nouns will definitely shift your writing style through enriching your vocabulary storage. Note that you have to monitor the subject-verb agreement which is a fatal error in grammar if missed.
The pronoun may also trick you since a fleet of birds might force you to think maybe I should use they instead of it, however, the rule does not change. Despite the fact that the rule is quite clear-cut one there are the usual differences between American English and British English just like any other topic.
Also, note that members of each group are not necessarily identical like in the word crowd which means a group of people, but this group does not look alike or may not even have a single thing in common other than being humans. The word crowd refers to a group of individuals who may but not necessarily have something in common except being together in a certain place at a specific point in time.
Many individuals mistake the singular noun and think that it only refers to a single thing or entity, and it is the same with a singular pronoun like “YOU” which can refer to one, but also to more than one.
Also, the collective noun can be plural as well. The usage of collective nouns is a necessity for all speakers of any language.
Notes about collective nouns
There is a very important note that you must know for this article and other articles which is the meaning and use of singular verb and plural verb. If the members of the group of the collective noun are acting unanimously then it, the collective noun is treated as singular and so is the verb.
However, if each person included in this collective noun is acting differently or there is further grouping inside the original group created by the collective noun then it is treated as plural and so is the verb.
The English language is extremely rich with group nouns for instance a panel of experts. Another example is cities. The word “councilman” is a type of noun that we use to refer to the councilmen in our local councils.
You must differentiate between a plural noun and a collective noun too. A plural noun is a noun that represents more than one entity, while a collective one represents more than one entity, but they have unison in some way.
Always visit our page and website since we’ll keep updating you on the latest examples of collective nouns whether they refer to groups of animals, abstract nouns, or a group of persons whatever their shared feature is.
Collective nouns are essentially sets of words that describe groups of things. The most common collective noun is a herd.
How can I remember the most common collective nouns in English?
Collective nouns are words that name a group of people or things.
The most common collective nouns in English are:
1. “A team”
2. “A group”
3. “A flock”
4. “A company”
5. “A herd”
6. “An army of snakes”
Is there any way to improve my knowledge of collective nouns in English?
There are a few ways to improve your knowledge of collective nouns in English.
1. A great way to improve your knowledge is by watching videos on YouTube about collective nouns in English.
2. Another way to increase your knowledge is by reading a book that discusses the topic at hand, such as Collective Nouns: The Definitive Guide To Their Origins and Usage In English by Michael Quinion or A Dictionary of Collective Nouns: With Examples from Anglo-Saxon to Modern English by Malcolm Parkes.
To conclude, collective nouns are a testament to the richness and flexibility of the English language. They infuse our conversations, stories, and poems with a touch of elegance and provide a means to express complex ideas succinctly. As we continue to explore the diverse facets of language, let us appreciate the charm and utility of collective nouns, recognizing them as hidden gems that enhance our communication and deepen our connection to the world of words