Why is English the Universal Language? Facts about Languages!

The World Health Organization lists some 180 different languages that are spoken around the world. Some of these languages are spoken by only a few hundred people, while others are spoken by millions. However, despite their differences, all these languages have one thing in common: they are all highly relevant to our daily lives.

Why is English the Universal Language?

This image talks about why is English the universal language
This image talks about why is English the universal language

In the world today, English is the most commonly spoken language. It has been an official language of England since 1543 and is also used as a compulsory subject in schools all over the world.

Do you want to know why?

Let’s take a look at this blog to read why English is the universal language.

What is the universal language

The universal language can refer to different things depending on context. In terms of communication, many people consider English to be the universal language as it is widely spoken and understood in many parts of the world.

However, some argue that there is no true universal language as there are still many people who do not speak or understand English. In terms of music, some consider music to be the universal language as it can evoke emotions and connect people from different cultures and backgrounds. Overall, the concept of a universal language is subjective and can vary depending on the context.

Owing to the size of the English-speaking population and its usage in our daily life, English language came to be known as the lingua franca. For you to understand the importance of the English language as a universal phenomenon, we have put together a list of factors that contributed to its popularity. 1

English as a world language

This image talks about why is English the universal language
This image talks about why is English the universal language

English has become a world language because of the historical influence of the British Empire and the economic and cultural dominance of the United States. English is spoken as a first language by over 400 million people and is the most widely used language for international communication. It is the language of business, science, technology, and entertainment.

The spread of English has also been facilitated by the internet and social media, which have made it easier for people to connect and communicate across borders. However, the dominance of English has also raised concerns about linguistic diversity and the marginalization of other languages and cultures.

Is there a universal language

While there are many languages spoken around the world, there is no one universal language that is spoken by everyone. However, English is widely considered to be the closest thing to a universal language due to its prevalence in business, science, and technology.

It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people around the world speak English, making it the most widely spoken language after Mandarin Chinese. Additionally, many international organizations and conferences use English as their official language.

However, it is important to note that linguistic diversity is a valuable aspect of human culture and identity, and efforts should be made to preserve and celebrate the many languages spoken around the world.

When did English become a language?

English evolved from the Germanic languages spoken by the Anglo-Saxons in England during the early Middle Ages. The language began to take shape around the 5th century AD, with the arrival of Germanic tribes such as the Saxons, Jutes, and Angles.

Over time, these tribes intermingled and their languages merged, eventually giving rise to what we now know as Old English. The language continued to evolve and change over the centuries, with influences from Latin, French, and other languages.

By the 16th century, English had become a distinct and recognizable language, and it continued to spread around the world as a result of British colonialism and global trade. Today, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 1.5 billion speakers.

How did English become the world’s most widely spoken language?

Here’s an interesting fact: People who often read English literature find it easier to think and articulate in the language. So worldwide, English has always been a focus for learning and increasing knowledge of different cultures.

For you to understand the importance of the English language as a universal phenomenon, we have put together a list of factors that contributed to its popularity.

The need for a language that unites peoples

The universal language is the English language. It was originally called the International language, but now it has become the universal language all over the world. The word international means that “it can be used everywhere”.

The relationship between language and international business

The world is taking globalization seriously, and having a common language only makes business easier. With top-notch corporations establishing their presence in different countries, communication becomes vital. It makes the information flow easier and gives people a common ground to communicate.

Transportation safety and law enforcement

By watching or following the news, you will notice that all over the world issues like terrorism are taking place. The use of English can help save lives because it has become part of government since 1680s i.e. before America had politics let alone laws/days off etc… It is used by many countries to make sure everyone understands each other’s language naturally.

Versatility is key

The English language is one of the most versatile languages in the world, thanks to its vast vocabulary. Flexibility is key; there are different ways of saying the same thing. For example…

Bake = To make cookies. But, you can also say; bake them, bakes or makes it! This is what English speakers call versatility. Formal writing should always be presented the same way to each reader/writer which will look rustic and informal at times. You may want to see writing skills.

The internet wins!

According to Internet World Stats, English is the most used language on the internet Therefore, English is the language of the internet. The internet has made communication easier than ever before. It also makes it possible for people to communicate in different languages, which is why English is the most used language on the internet.

Simplicity is bliss

There might be a difference of opinion on this one, but it is relatively easy to learn English in comparison to other languages. One of the main reasons behind this is that the English language has comparatively simple grammar, as it has a relatively simple sentence structure.

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It’s official!

English is an official language in 57 countries in the world, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. These places have made English an official language of their country because it has been recognized by people from all over the world that they can communicate in a way that will be understood worldwide.

However, some countries have made English an official language of their country but they do not use it in everyday life. For example, Spanish is the third primary language in Mexico, but it is not an official one. In Spain, there are fifteen local languages and four indigenous languages.

What made the English language become so influential and powerful in the world?

The factors that make English tick are its history, the hegemony of America and Britain and its stronghold on science and technology as well as weapons of mass destruction, its powerful media, and the fact that the world is multilingual needs a global lingua franca.

The English language became one of the most influential languages in the world due to its simplicity. The English language is among the most popular languages in the world, with estimates that by 2030, it will be spoken by more people than Chinese.

Although English has not existed for very long, it has spread quickly and is expected to continue growing as a global language because it is relatively easy to learn.

What is the best way to learn English?

The best way to learn English is by listening to the people who speak it. The best way to listen is by using headphones and watching a movie or TV show in English. But listening is a skill.

As mentioned earlier, learning anything new can be labor-intensive, yet fruitful. We have drawn out some simple ways in which you can learn the English language.

Practice makes perfect

The more you practice, the better your English will be. Some people say it is easier to speak a language other than yours because you don’t have to think about each word, while others do this in order to get away from their native tongue or dialect which may cause confusion when only applying the new vocabulary and structures of another language.

Music helps!

If you don’t know, listen and practice and in time you will learn the basic structures of the language. Try to listen with a clear mind by choosing music that has easy singing words which are common among English speakers all over the world.

At last, encourage yourself to tread on the path of English learning as it will be instrumental in your future endeavors. There are many colleges offering courses in the English language to help you with a bright future.

Why is English a universal language

English is a universal language; it has become a universal language due to a combination of historical, political, and economic factors. During the colonial era, the British Empire spread the English language across the globe, making it a dominant language in many countries.

Additionally, the rise of the United States as a global superpower after World War II cemented the importance of English as an international language of business and diplomacy. The widespread use of English in technology, science, and popular culture has also contributed to its status as a universal language.

English is without a doubt the actual universal language. It is the world’s second largest native language, the official language in 70 countries, and English-speaking countries are responsible for about 40% of world’s total GNP. 2

English as universal language

English as a universal language has become a universal language due to its widespread use in business, education, and international communication. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people around the world speak English, making it the most commonly spoken language in the world. In addition, many international organizations and conferences use English as their official language, making it essential for individuals who want to participate in these events.

Moreover, the rise of the internet and social media has also contributed to the global dominance of the English language. As a result, learning English has become a necessity for many people who want to succeed in the global economy and communicate with people from different parts of the world.

Importance of English as a universal language

English has become the universal language due to its widespread use across the world. It is the language of business, science, technology, and many other fields, making it an essential language to learn for those who want to compete in the global marketplace. English is also the language of diplomacy and international relations, making it necessary for politicians and diplomats to communicate effectively with their counterparts from other countries.

Furthermore, English is the most commonly used language on the internet, allowing people from different cultures and backgrounds to connect and communicate with each other. In summary, knowing English is crucial for anyone who wants to succeed in today’s interconnected world.

Impact of English as a universal language

This question is very important “is English universal language?”. However, the impact of English as a universal language has been immense in terms of global communication and business. English has become the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.5 billion people speaking it either as their first or second language. This has made it the language of international trade, diplomacy, and academia.

The widespread use of English has also made it easier for people from different cultures and backgrounds to communicate with each other, leading to greater understanding and cooperation. However, the dominance of English has also led to concerns about the loss of other languages and cultures and the potential for linguistic and cultural imperialism.

Despite these concerns, English is likely to remain a dominant language in the global arena for the foreseeable future.

English universal language influence

English has become a universal language due to its widespread use in business, education, and entertainment. The influence of English is visible in many countries where it is not the primary language, and it is often used as a common language between people who speak different native languages.

The rise of the internet and social media has also contributed to the spread of English as a universal language. As a result, many people around the world are learning English as a second language to improve their career prospects and communicate with people from different backgrounds.

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The influence of English as a universal language is likely to continue growing in the future, as global communication and collaboration become increasingly important.

When did English become the most spoken language?

English became the most spoken language in the world during the 20th century, mainly due to the widespread influence of the British Empire and the United States. As the British Empire expanded across the globe, English became the language of trade and commerce in many parts of the world.

Later, the United States emerged as a global superpower, and English became the dominant language in international diplomacy, science, technology, and entertainment. Today, over 1.5 billion people speak English as their first or second language, making it the most widely spoken language in the world.

By what year did English become the language of instruction in schools?

English became the language of instruction in schools in England during the 19th century. Prior to this, Latin was the primary language used in education. However, as the British Empire expanded, English became more widely spoken and used as a means of communication.

The Education Act of 1870 marked a significant shift towards English being the language of instruction in schools, as it required all children to attend school and receive an education in English. This helped to standardize the use of English in education across the country and paved the way for it to become the dominant language used in schools throughout England.

When did English become a global language?

English became a global language over a period of several centuries. Historically, English was mainly spoken in England and parts of Scotland, but it began to spread as a result of colonization and trade. In the 17th and 18th centuries, British colonization of North America, India, and other parts of the world helped to spread the use of English.

Later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, the rise of the British Empire and the spread of American cultural influence helped to further entrench English as a global language. Today, English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it is used as a common language of business, science, and diplomacy.

English became the principal tongue of England in the 14th century

Prior to this, Old English was the dominant language, spoken by the Anglo-Saxon population. However, after the Norman Conquest in 1066, French became the language of the ruling class, and Latin was used in religious and legal contexts.

Over time, English gradually reemerged as the primary language of the common people, and by the 14th century, it had become the official language of the English court and government.

The rise of English as a dominant language was also facilitated by the printing press, which allowed for the mass production and dissemination of English language texts. Today, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 1.5 billion speakers.

When did English become the official language of the world

English has not become the official language of the world. However, it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it. English became a global language due to the influence of the British Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries and the dominance of the United States in the 20th century.

It is now the primary language of international business, science, technology, and communication. However, many other languages continue to be spoken and used as official languages in different countries around the world.

What year did English become a language?

English did not become a language in a particular year. It evolved over time from various Germanic dialects spoken by Anglo-Saxon tribes in England. The earliest form of English, known as Old English, was spoken from the 5th century until the Norman Conquest in 1066.

During the Middle English period, which lasted from the 11th to the 15th century, English underwent significant changes due to the influence of French and Latin. Modern English emerged in the 16th century, and it continues to evolve to this day. Therefore, there is no specific year or moment when English became a language; rather, it is a constantly evolving language that has developed over centuries.

Check here to read about the most spoken languages worldwide  

or about how to benefit from improved spoken English


1. Why does the English language is considered as universal language?

English is considered as the universal language for several reasons. First, it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.5 billion people speaking it as their first or second language. This makes it a convenient choice for international communication.

Second, English has become the language of business, science, and technology. It is the language used in international trade, diplomacy, and academic research. This has made it essential for people from different countries to learn English in order to communicate effectively in these fields.

Third, English has been promoted as a global language by powerful countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. These countries have used their economic and political influence to spread the use of English around the world, making it the dominant language in many countries.

Overall, the widespread use of English in different fields and its promotion as a global language have made it the universal language that it is today.

2. What are 3 main reasons why English is a global lingua franca?

  • English is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.5 billion people speaking it as their first or second language.
  • English is the language of international business and commerce, making it essential for global communication and economic activities.
  • English is the primary language of science, technology, and academia, allowing for the sharing and dissemination of knowledge and research across borders.

3. Why is universal language important?

  • A universal language promotes effective communication and understanding among people from different linguistic backgrounds.
  • It helps to break down barriers and foster global connections, facilitating collaboration and cooperation on a global scale.
  • Universal language enhances cultural exchange and appreciation, promoting diversity and inclusivity.
  • It simplifies international travel, trade, and business interactions, making them more efficient and accessible.
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4. How it becomes a universal language?

English has become a universal language due to a combination of historical, economic, and cultural factors. Historically, the British Empire played a significant role in spreading the English language around the world. As the British Empire expanded, so did the use of English as a means of communication among people from different nations.

In the modern era, the economic dominance of the United States has also contributed to the spread of English. As the world’s largest economy, the United States has significant cultural and economic influence in many parts of the world. English has become the language of international business, diplomacy, and academia, further cementing its status as a universal language.

Finally, the cultural influence of English-speaking countries, particularly the United States, has played a significant role in the spread of the language. American movies, TV shows, and music have a global reach, and many people around the world learn English as a means of consuming this content.

Overall, the universal adoption of English can be attributed to a combination of historical, economic, and cultural factors that have made it the de facto language of international communication.

5. When did English become a language?

English evolved from Old English (also known as Anglo-Saxon), which was spoken in England from around the 5th century until the Norman Conquest in 1066.

The language continued to develop and change throughout the Middle Ages, eventually becoming Early Modern English in the 16th century. Today, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 1.5 billion speakers.

6. Why English language is our universal language?

  • English is the most widely spoken language in the world.
  • English is the primary language of international business and commerce.
  • English is the language of science, technology, and academia.
  • English has a rich history and cultural influence that has spread globally.

7. When did English become the universal language?

English has not officially become the universal language, but it is widely considered as the dominant language in many areas such as business, technology, and international relations. The spread of English as a global language can be traced back to the British Empire’s expansion in the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as the United States’ economic and cultural influence in the 20th century.

The rise of the internet and social media has also contributed to the widespread use of English as a lingua franca, especially in the digital age where communication and information exchange are essential. However, it is important to note that there are still many languages spoken and valued around the world, and the idea of a universal language remains a topic of debate.

8. Is English the universal language of the world?

English is widely spoken and understood in many countries. It is often used as a common language for international business and diplomacy.

However, many people still do not speak or understand English. Other languages, such as Mandarin and Spanish, also have a significant global presence.

9. Why language is called universal?

  • Language is a means of communication that is present in all human societies.
  • All cultures and societies have their own unique languages, but the basic structure and function of language is universal.
  • Language allows for the expression of complex thoughts, emotions, and ideas that are shared across cultures and societies.
  • Language is a fundamental aspect of human cognition and development, and plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and experiences of the world.

10. Why is English the universal language?

  • English is the language of international business and trade.
  • English is widely used in science and technology.
  • English is the language of popular culture and entertainment.
  • English is the language of diplomacy and international relations.

11. What are some negative aspects of having only one single international language?

It can be difficult to communicate and understand when speaking a single international language.

The most common example of this is during times of war or in the case of global financial crises, where people cannot easily discuss and share ideas because they do not speak the same language.

However, there are some positive aspects as well:

  • It can make communication easier in emergencies such as natural disasters or wars.
  • There is a decrease in the cost of translating documents.

12. What language influenced English the most?

English is influenced most by Latin and German. This influence can be seen in the same way that English words are derived from foreign languages, such as the prefix = “un-” for ‘not’, which has Greek origin originating from French or Italian vocabulary.

13. Who created the English language?

Language development has very little to do with the time of origin, it can be traced back far into history. Nowadays languages are created more or less every day through the constant addition of new words and traits manifesting themselves in grammar structures related to verbs etc.

14. Why English is a universal language?

The below points tell why English is universal language:

  1. English is widely spoken as a first or second language in many countries around the world.
  2. English is the language of business, science, and technology, making it essential for international communication and collaboration.
  3. English is the language of popular culture, including movies, music, and literature, which contributes to its global influence.
  4. English has a relatively simple grammar and vocabulary compared to other languages, making it easier for non-native speakers to learn and communicate in.

In conclusion, English has become the universal language due to its widespread use and importance in various fields such as business, science, technology, and education. Its accessibility and versatility have made it the language of choice for international communication and has facilitated cultural exchange and understanding. Despite its dominance, it is important to recognize and appreciate the diversity of languages and cultures around the world. English may be the universal language, but it is important to continue to embrace and celebrate the richness of other languages and their unique contributions to our global community.


  1. Why Has English Become A Universal Language? | TLG Blog. (2021, June 18).
  2. English as a universal language. (n.d.).