Self Study English Effectively with Top 9 Activities!

Learning English is one of the biggest dreams for many people. If you are one of them, then it is very important to learn English by yourself. English is a language that requires constant learning and adapting to new cultures. Read here to know more about learn English self study. This blog post tells what is English self learning and explains how to learn English by yourself ,or in other words how to self study English.

Self Study English

An important question is always asked “Why studying English?”. However, English is highly important to all people, plus there are many options to learn English by yourself. We’ve selected the top activities that help you improve your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation while also having fun.

How To Learn English By Yourself?

1. Read the English Texts

While doing other activities, you can also read some English texts to improve your vocabulary and grammar. Reading these will help you learn words that are not commonly used or see how they use phrases with meanings unrelated to their meaning in everyday life.

You can check out wikiHow’s list of common beginner phrases for a good starting point. This blog post has even more reading material for learning new words, as it is once daily with new articles.

2. Screencast Video Tutorials ( But First memorize the words )

This is another fantastic way to learn a new language. Not only does it help with “new vocabulary building” but also helps people understand what they are reading/watching better. You may also see visual pictures we explain as soon as in each video segment.

At the end of each video, I review and playback the voice-over phrase to reinforce them within your mind (if you’re watching it live). These Screencasts are also great for presentations in all cases! For more free screens, check out this blog post.

3. Read Books in Your Second Language

If reading is something that you’ve been shy with then get yourself a book in another language/culture as well or on topics that are dear to you.

My favorite reading list is this blog post but there’s a book out there for everyone! You can also use Google Books, Goodreads, or Amazon as my main go-to sites if you wish to look up good reads regardless of language.

Also, check out their website “Project 40”, which gives books written by under 40 authors in different genres categories such as “Romance, “Business” and so on.

4. Start a Blog

Start a blog in another language that is meaningful to you as much or even more than the one you’re fluent in. Keep it up-to-date regularly and post links from [your site] to other blogs/websites which give further details on the topic of your interest. This will help keep those words fresh within your mind for review purposes over time!

5. Make English Your Phone Language

This is another creative tip especially if you’re a traveler. When traveling abroad people don’t always speak English and if they do, it’s not like the one in your country’s vocabulary. So instead of using Google Translate or any other type of translating tool; why not try what I have such fun with? If someone comes up to you that speaks little bits of words from Spanish/Japanese then phrases written down will be helpful for them to understand what you’re trying to say.

6. Listening to Songs in English

I’ve recently really discovered English songs and lyrics that I learned a bit of. From listening to these, my fluency has definitely improved! It’s your English listening skills. They primarily cover topics such as relationship issues and commonly asked questions which come in handy on many levels.

Listen to podcasts and mimic the audio voices resulting in your own voice being more pleasant in your accent as a native English speaker

7. Netflix (app)

To improve your skill in English speaking skills, you should watch movies on Netflix or on tv. It’s the best way to watch movies with subtitles. It’s not a good option that only targets to improve English Language knowledge.

The movies are for us who love watching them and do it frequently, but what about those who don’t? Well let me get more specific; if you’re going to watch some of your own favorite movie choices then set aside an hour or two when the weekend comes around and just sit down on the couch with your cell (we all have one) in front of you and enact a little movie (tv show).

This can be easier said than done but make it up to that hour or two, it’s much time, as best we can for this review will count on your behalf, so get cracking!

8. Read Books

English learners should start reading in English. With the English language being a bit different than your native speaker for your native language, reading books in English on the internet can be sometimes challenging. It all depends on what kind of book you’re trying to read – but this should give you a starting point!

Last Thoughts is a great way: Reading and language learning are key; as long as we do it every day then eventually something is going to stick with us! We will live our life later knowing little about other’s cultures or customs.

9. Start Writing

Don’t be boring

The first step is to do something you haven’t done before in order to acquire new skills. It’s to improve your writing skills. Start writing; explore the art of writing! It’s important for future students and learners who attend an English class (since both of these types are the same people).

For starters, it will help them in English learning and understand the way language varies with even slight changes in grammar structure or usage.

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What is self-learning English?

This image talks about self study english.
This image talks about self study english.

Self learning English is the process of learning the English language on one’s own, without formal instruction or guidance from a teacher. It involves using online resources, books, and other materials to improve one’s reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English.

self-learning English requires discipline, motivation, and a willingness to learn from one’s mistakes. It is a cost-effective way to improve one’s language skills and can be done at one’s own pace and convenience. However, it can also be challenging as it requires self-motivation and the ability to stay focused and committed to the learning process.

English self learning

Self-learning English is becoming increasingly popular, as people recognize the importance of being able to communicate in English in today’s globalized world. However, it can be challenging to learn a language on your own, as there is no one to guide you and keep you motivated.

To overcome these difficulties, it is essential to have a clear goal in mind, a structured learning plan, and access to quality resources such as textbooks, online courses, and language exchange partners.

Consistency and persistence are also crucial, as learning a language requires regular practice and exposure. With the right mindset and resources, anyone can achieve fluency in English through self-learning.

Self English learning benefits

Learning English has numerous benefits, and self English learning has many benefits, including the ability to learn at your own pace and focus on areas that are most important to you. It also allows for greater flexibility in scheduling and the ability to tailor your learning experience to your specific needs.

Additionally, self-learning can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning, as there are many free or low-cost resources available online. Self-learning can also improve your self-discipline and motivation, as you are responsible for your own progress and success.

Finally, improving your English skills can open up new opportunities in your career and personal life, such as better communication with colleagues and friends, increased job prospects, and the ability to travel and explore new cultures.

Learners who engage in self-study have the opportunity to enhance their learning experience and improve their studying skills. The learning method encourages learners to go beyond what is available to them in their textbooks and what is taught to them by their instructors. 1

Self study in English

Self study in English can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. It requires discipline, motivation, and dedication to improve language proficiency without the guidance of a teacher or structured curriculum. However, with the abundance of resources available online such as grammar guides, vocabulary lists, and language learning apps, self-study can be a flexible and cost-effective way to improve one’s English skills.

Additionally, practicing speaking and writing with native speakers or language exchange partners can provide valuable feedback and help learners gain confidence in using the language. Overall, self-study in English can be a viable option for those looking to improve their language skills on their own terms.

How to self study English

Self-studying English requires discipline, motivation, and a clear plan. Firstly, set achievable goals for yourself, such as learning a certain number of new vocabulary words each day or practicing pronunciation for a set amount of time. Secondly, find resources that suit your learning style, such as textbooks, podcasts, or online courses.

Make sure to mix up your methods to keep things interesting. Thirdly, practice speaking and writing in English as much as possible, even if it’s just with yourself. Finally, immerse yourself in the language by watching English-language media, reading books or articles, and listening to music or podcasts. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to self-studying English.

How to study English self study

  • Set specific goals and create a study plan.
  • Utilize a variety of resources such as textbooks, online courses, and language learning apps.
  • Practice regularly by reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English.
  • Seek opportunities to immerse yourself in the language, such as watching movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts, or joining language exchange programs.

Self-study English speaking strategies

  • Practice speaking regularly with native English speakers or language exchange partners.
  • Record and listen to yourself speaking in English to identify areas for improvement.
  • Set specific goals for improving your English speaking skills and track your progress.
  • Use resources such as online language forums, podcasts, or language learning apps to supplement your self-study and expand your vocabulary and fluency.

Using self-study, students are able to go beyond simply learning what their class textbooks and instructors teach them. 2

Ways to Get Motivated with English Self Study

This image talks about self study english.
This image talks about self study english.

There are many motivations to learning English:

1. Watch English videos about your interests

Watching English videos about your interests is a great way to learn English by yourself. This method makes learning enjoyable and engaging, as you get to explore topics that you are passionate about while improving your language skills at the same time. By watching videos in English, you can practice your listening and comprehension skills, learn new words and phrases, and improve your pronunciation.

Additionally, watching videos can expose you to different accents and dialects, which can be helpful in developing a more natural-sounding English. With the vast array of resources available online, including YouTube and other streaming platforms, you can easily find videos that suit your interests and level of proficiency.

2. Listen to music and learn all the lyrics

Listening to music and learning all the lyrics can be a fun and effective way to learn English by yourself. Music is a great tool for language learning because it helps you to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. By listening to music and singing along, you can practice your speaking skills and learn new words and phrases in context.

You can also use the lyrics as a resource for improving your grammar and sentence structure. Additionally, music can be a great motivator for language learning, as it makes the process more enjoyable and engaging. So, if you want to learn English by yourself, try listening to your favorite English songs and learning all the lyrics.

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3. Watch English movies and TV shows

Watching English movies and TV shows can be an effective way to learn English by oneself. This is because exposure to authentic language spoken by native speakers can improve listening and comprehension skills. Additionally, watching shows with subtitles can help with vocabulary acquisition and understanding of idiomatic expressions.

However, it is important to note that simply watching shows alone may not be enough to fully develop language proficiency. It is also necessary to practice speaking and writing in English, as well as seek feedback and guidance from a language teacher or tutor.

4. Learn how to get the most out of English media

To get the most out of English media when learning English, it is important to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This means watching English TV shows and movies, listening to English music and podcasts, and reading English books and articles.

It is also helpful to actively engage with the content by taking notes, looking up unfamiliar words, and practicing speaking and writing in English. Additionally, finding a language exchange partner or a tutor can provide valuable feedback and conversation practice. The key is to make learning English a consistent habit and to stay motivated by setting achievable goals and tracking progress.

5. Test your grammar with online English quizzes

Testing your grammar with online English quizzes can be a helpful way to learn English on your own. By practicing with quizzes, you can identify areas where you may need more focus and practice. Additionally, many online quizzes provide explanations and feedback on your answers, allowing you to learn from your mistakes.

However, it is important to remember that online quizzes should not be your only means of learning English. It is also important to practice speaking and listening skills, and to engage with the language in real-life situations. Combining online quizzes with other learning methods can help you improve your grammar and overall English proficiency.

6. Chat with friends online

Chatting with friends online is a great way to learn English by yourself. By chatting with native speakers, you can improve your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills. You can also learn about different cultures and customs, which can be very helpful if you plan on traveling to an English-speaking country.

When chatting with friends online, try to use proper English and avoid using slang or informal language. You can also use online resources such as dictionaries and grammar guides to improve your language skills. Overall, chatting with friends online is a fun and effective way to learn English by yourself.

7. Speak English wherever you go

Speaking English wherever you go is a great way to learn English by yourself. Immersing yourself in the language and using it in real-life situations can help you improve your fluency and build your confidence. Even if you are not in an English-speaking country, you can still practice by speaking with native speakers online, watching English-language TV shows and movies, listening to podcasts or music, and reading English books or articles.

The key is to make speaking English a regular habit and to not be afraid of making mistakes. Over time, you will notice that your English skills have improved and you are able to communicate more effectively in the language.

Thee are also many practical ways to motivate yourself to study English which are considered important and beneficial to improve English language skills.

How to self learn English

  • Set specific goals and objectives for your English learning journey.
  • Utilize online resources such as language learning apps, websites, and videos.
  • Practice listening and speaking skills by watching movies, TV shows, or podcasts in English.
  • Engage in activities that require reading and writing in English, such as reading books, articles, or writing in a journal.

How to learn English effectively

Learning English effectively requires a combination of dedication, consistent practice, and utilizing various resources and techniques. Firstly, it is important to set specific goals and create a study plan that includes regular practice sessions.

Immersion in the language is also crucial, whether it be through watching movies or TV shows in English, listening to English podcasts or music, or even finding a language exchange partner to practice speaking with. Utilizing online resources such as language learning apps, websites, and online courses can also be beneficial.

It is also important to practice all four language skills – reading, writing, speaking, and listening – and to actively engage with the language by participating in conversations, writing essays or journal entries, and reading English books or articles.

Finally, perseverance and patience are key, as learning a language takes time and effort, but with consistent practice and the right resources, English can be learned effectively.

As Mark Twain once remarked, “The Best Education Happens Outside the Classroom”, which means that self-learning that takes place outside the formal channels can be both informative and educational. 3


1. How do I self-study?

Check the following to self-study English:

  • Start by identifying your current level of proficiency in English.
  • Set specific goals for what you want to achieve with your self-study.
  • Utilize a variety of resources such as textbooks, online courses, podcasts, and language exchange partners.
  • Practice consistently and regularly, and track your progress to stay motivated.

2. Which English book is best for self-study?

There are many great English books available for self-study, and the best one for you will depend on your current level and specific learning goals. Here are a few recommendations:

1. “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy: This book is a classic for learning English grammar and is suitable for all levels. It provides clear explanations and plenty of practice exercises.

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2. “The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test” by Bruce Rogers: If you’re preparing for the TOEFL exam, this book is an excellent resource. It covers all sections of the test and includes practice questions and strategies.

3. “English Vocabulary in Use” by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell: This book is perfect for expanding your English vocabulary. It includes vocabulary exercises and explanations, making it a valuable resource for self-study.

4. “The Oxford English Grammar” by Sidney Greenbaum: For a more advanced study of English grammar, this book is highly recommended. It covers all aspects of grammar in depth and provides detailed explanations.

Remember, while these books can be helpful for self-study, it’s also important to practice speaking and listening skills. Consider using online resources, language exchange platforms, or even hiring a tutor to supplement your self-study.

3. Can I learn English online free?

Yes, you can learn English online for free. There are many resources available such as websites, apps, and online courses that offer free lessons, exercises, and practice materials. Additionally, there are various online communities and forums where you can interact with native English speakers and practice your skills.

However, it is important to note that while learning English online for free is possible, it may not provide the same level of structured learning and guidance as paid courses or classes.

4. How do I start self studying?

You can start self-study English by following the following:

  1. Set a clear goal and establish a study plan.
  2. Identify your learning style and find appropriate study materials.
  3. Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  4. Practice active learning techniques, such as taking notes and testing yourself.

5. What is self education in English?

  • Self education in English refers to the process of learning English through individual effort and initiative rather than formal instruction.
  • It involves taking responsibility for one’s own learning, setting goals, and seeking out resources to achieve those goals.
  • Self education in English can include activities such as reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, practicing with language apps, and engaging in conversation with native speakers.
  • It allows learners to tailor their learning experience to their own needs and interests and can be a highly effective way to improve language skills.

6. Is it possible to self-study English?

  1. Yes, it is possible to learn English by self-study.
  2. There are many resources available online for self-study, including grammar guides, vocabulary lists, and practice exercises.
  3. Self-study allows for flexibility in scheduling and pace of learning.
  4. However, it may be more difficult to practice speaking and listening skills without a language partner or teacher.

7. How can I self-study myself?

  • Set clear goals and objectives for your self-study.
  • Create a structured plan and schedule for your self-study.
  • Utilize a variety of resources, including books, online courses, and practice exercises.
  • Monitor your progress and adjust your approach as needed.

8. What are the best activities to learn English by yourself?

Reading is one of the best activities to practice and keep your English improving. It can get boring for a few minutes but try reading articles about something you’re interested in, e.g. music or fashion style, then exploring web pages or simply listening to some media keeping track of what is said before it and how it’s being expressed after studying the title because sometimes they are quite funny while other times they might be even too sad which gives us what’s going on in any person’s mind.

9. How can I learn English by myself?

The best way to learn English depends on you. Think of an activity that interests you and engage in it! You might be surprised by how much progress is already made even with this one alone as long as there are people around you who want no more excuses for not speaking their native language fluently.

10. What are the benefits of learning English by yourself?

It obviously improves your English speaking skill, but this is only one reason why you should do it. There are also so many benefits to doing self-learning activities that will help you as an independent person. I personally loved self-learning in general because of the satisfaction that comes from experientially exploring something with no distractions whatsoever.

11. How to learn English self study?

  • Set clear goals and objectives for your English language learning.
  • Utilize online resources such as grammar and vocabulary exercises, language learning apps, and online language courses.
  • Incorporate English language into your daily routine by listening to English podcasts, watching English movies or TV shows, and reading English books or news articles.
  • Practice speaking and writing in English regularly, such as by finding a language exchange partner or joining an online English language community.

12. What are the strategies to learn English self study?

  1. Set specific goals and create a study plan.
  2. Utilize online resources such as language learning apps, podcasts, and websites.
  3. Practice regularly by reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English.
  4. Find a language exchange partner or join a language learning community to practice with others.

In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind that self learning English will be a lifelong journey and you should be willing to put in the effort. Don’t give up if you are not getting results as fast as you would like, because it takes time to learn a new language and with time, it will get easier.


  1. Author, G., & Author, G. (2023, May 9). How Can Self-Study Benefit Your Learners? Edly
  2. Sara. (2022, April 7). What Is Self Study? The Benefits For Students | GradePower Learning. GradePower Learning.
  3. Sinha, N. (2022). Importance of self-study & How online education can fuel your preparation? RM Group of Education Blog.