Christmas is one of the most celebrated festivals of the year. It’s a time when family and friends gather to celebrate Christmas.
Every year on December 25th is the day to celebrate christmas, millions of people travel to celebrate Christmas in one of the best places on earth. From the snow-capped mountains of North America to warm beaches on the other side of the world, here are 10 top destinations where you can go for a Christmas
1- Bethlehem, West Bank
Bethlehem is known worldwide for its Christmas celebration. It’s the place where Jesus Christ was born. On 25th December, there are many churches to see like Church of Nativity in Bethlehem and shepherds’ trailer by the Sea of Galilee called Manger Square . Also sing songs with all your family during this holy festival without forgetting how important it is to donate money as well!
2- strasbourg , France
Ever heard of Strasbourg? It’s one the most beautiful cities in Europe. During Christmas day, this city is absolutely out of everyone’s minds. You can stroll around on the celebrated Christmas market, enjoy some amazing performances and at night a little gathering in a famous restaurant .
This Christmas it’s going to be an interesting one, you will get tons of surprises from this beautiful city!
3- Bruges, Belgium
The striking characteristic thing about Brussels is the striking architecture found in it. When you’re there at mid-year, enjoy a festive atmosphere to view all that Great Britain has to offer when Christmas comes around! The fascinating layout of Bruges is marked by its teardrop canals which line up with their downtown street sellers . It’s a well-known place where christmas traditions have been celebrated for years.
4- Miami Beach, United States
Christmas in Miami Beach is very significant. The event usually takes place on the night of December 22 – 24 and also Thanksgiving weekend, when an influx of jet skiers return to their hometowns combined with tourists from all over the world. During that special time, there are a lot of lights and decorations up everywhere!
The perfect holiday destination if you’re looking for something less
5- Sydney/Melbourne, Australia
There’s always a chance for Christmas here due on how sensational they decorate different landmarks from “Australia”. When Australians celebrate this holiday , it calls for a party, especially because there’s that urge to be merry. They dostuff up Sydney and Melbourne as if it were New Years Eve , which is why its often called “New Year in Australia”.
6-Lapland, Finland
Imagine that it used to be snowing and all that you saw were trees, buntings and decorations everywhere. That’s exactly how Christmas in Finland looks like ! The season is also known as the “Ice-Christmas” due, obviously , to the chilly weather there. Everyone in Finland is glued with facade lights and huge Christmas trees decorated with twinkle-lights placed all over everywhere you look . To complete the scenery of Lapland’s perfect holiday season, carolers sing festive songs outside every house on holidays night.
People in Dublin are super faithful to Christmas . Weekdays before Christmas, shop windows are lit up with colorful lights all over the city. Churches there also have their big n collection of toys for kids. Usual occurrence during that time is listening exciting carols sung by merry christmas people at every street corner or endless singing around living rooms of families throughout December-January season
8-The Vatican, Italy
christmas in The Vatican has been recorded as one of the oldest in history . It means al way being well prepared for Christmas time, as this place is packed with almost a thousand christmas trees . All of them have been carefully decorated and adorned to represent the wintry season.
9-New York City, USA
They live each season to the fullest in New York City , usually spending Christmas period with relatives. Whiles are busy decorating, shopping& preparing gifts for their loved ones back home. Plenty of parties are held throughout December making time’s end even better!
10-London, England
London is filled with various Christmas related events such as Carol Service and the Nativity Scene. Certainly, their rich history in relation to christmas can be enough witness of why people spend lots of time & money to make it looks elegant all year round
11-Berlin, Germany
The Christmas is still easily spottable in Berlin. Especially when they are longing for the German capital city has preserved its Victorian tone during christmans celebrations . Half a million lights decorate parks and streets for months before Christmas which incline pedestrians pass by outdoor cafes and pubs to enjoy the time with friends.
12-Edinburgh, Scotland
Another beautiful city in Scotland’s capital which is filled with festive atmosphere during this season. Young and old enjoy the splendid tradition taking place right outside their doors ! Passers-by can witness bells, carol singers and Santa ( pantomimed ) along streets
13-Zurich, Switzerland
Christmas in Zurich take lots of effort putting Christmas to manifest while keeping up marks & standards from previous centuries . Still visible even if walking around the town, seeing children dressing as angels or trees covered with elaborate decorations.
Another country showcasing unique elements that simply can’t be missed about Christmas. Japan’s way of celebrating christmas is rather colourful and theatrical as well as loud ! While sipping your hot chocolaty drink ( by now you should know what those little statues look like ) make sure to not miss during one night fireworks displays along the entire river
15-Amsterdam, Netherlands
If you only want to see direct Christmas scene without leave the city, it’ll be hard. There are hundreds of impressive decorated houses – including centuries-old ones like St Nicholas’ Church or Amsterdam Town Hall . You can also enjoy bakeshop strolling around town looking for freshly stocked sweets
16-Salzburg, Austria
The Danube riverflows through Salzburg and influences how this town celebrates Christmas – very differently from the rest. There is a vibrant bunch of boat dances with musicians performing strong tunes while contemporaries waltz around! All-inclusive atmosphere makes for an amazing experience that will be everlasting to eyes visitors’ all life time ! Fascinating atmospheric nights throughout December into January
17-Cape Town , South Africa
Perfect for winter golfer, Cape Towns native music bands are highly-styled , smoking one of their famous cigars . You gotta see the massive amount of their colourful decorated homes around, giving off an ancient vibe. Why not take a night jog through town to meander past !
18-Dubai, UAE
christmas in dubai become more and more colorful every year, each new model of saint or star brought out for this great fairytale dream-like tree, surrounded by thousands of beautiful lights. You can take one thing at the big spectacle – People will just stop & stare if you’re there! Almost like a moving living history museum . If you don’t mind making it around town on foot or flying to get more of this magic vista up close and personal
19-Reykjavík, Iceland
Featuring a postcard-perfect view of the beautiful nearby mountains, Reykjavik town square is full of life. In December, it’s packed with people while shops have lots going on. One thing to remember during Christmas in Iceland – don’t expect any pixie dust! Your “drinking buddies” will look like way too many oversized kids once you whirl a glass for everyone … . The town also seems exceptionally clean since most houses have no windows
20-Copenhagen , Denmark
Copenhagen is a cosmopolitan city with plenty to do around the holidays. During December and January, outdoor markets are filled with beautiful Christmas decoration and foods both in Denmark’s oldest town centre – Christianshavn (Christmas Market) and in its newest area, Indre By (Indigo Lagoon), which sits alongside the chic Nyhavn waterfront , complete with funky glass-walled boats floating across your street
Is a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday season is one of the most important times of the year, and people from all over the world flock to celebrate it. If you want to spend your holidays in a place that’s truly unique, we’ve got some suggestions! Our blog post has listed some places around the world that are ideal for celebrating Christmas. Why not go on a trip? Which place would you like to visit?
For those who spending Christmas alone,
The majority of people who spend Christmas alone are generally happy. However, some might feel lonely and regretful that they did not have a significant other to share the holiday with.
To answer this question, let’s look at some of the activities that could be done by those who spent Christmas alone: