Weird words are words that are not commonly used but are in fact quite common in English. Weird words are used to create unusual meanings in sentences. Most weird words are made up, but some of them have their origins in the actual English language. Here’s a list of weird words that you might not know about.
Here are some of the weirdest wonderful words in English!
1. Queue!
To be in a line before someone else, especially in circumstances where you don’t want to be. The word originally described people who had to wait at their horses just before entering through official barriers or into another city during medieval times.
2. Nudiustertian!
A word that belongs to no known language, but seems like it could be made up. It was first used in this sense by Isaac Asimov in his famed Foundation Trilogy science fiction novels written between 1942 and the 1950s. It is described as an artificial language created by a race called the Ancients, so its exact origin remains unknown even today!
3. Zoanthropy!
A word that pertains to a person’s obsession with animals and/or humans, especially in regards to eating them. It was invented by science fiction author Philip Jose Farmer in his novel The Man Who Japed (1971) back in 1972. Although zoanthropy is not a proper noun, it can be used as an adjective or adverb when applied to things with this type of behavior towards living.
4. Impignorate!
To take control over someone/thing, especially by borrowing it in a financial sense. It comes from Latin nomen and pignus which means that you can claim ownership to something only after uttering its name during an official ratification process enacted in Medieval Europe.
5. Vex!
Something that is confusing or troublesome. It comes from Latin “vexatio” which also means to attack or harm something. In history, it was often applied as a verbal adjective for physical hazards which were damaging, harmful, and debilitating towards land-based entities, such as bridges and spans in ships!
6. Bequeath!
To impart an inheritance to a beneficiary after one has died. It comes from Middle English bequest which means a gift or grant of land by a will, and originally meant any act undertaken for others (or themselves) like burying someone in their own graveyard! Its usage also extends towards legal documents as it is now used as an acceptable verb free substitution-replacement with the past participle “-ed”.
7. Quire!
A sheet-like thing out of which books are printed. It can either be used as an adjective describing a material (such as paper) or verb to denote the act(s) or process associated with it like creating something, arranging things in time and space orderly!
8. Ulotrichous!
A person who weaves, often with their hands and more commonly used as an adjective. It comes from Ancient Greek οὔλος (olos) which means to twist or plait together!
9. Fuss!
A disturbance created by people violently chopping things, often in preparation for an attack. It comes from Middle English “fouste” which means to strike or hit with force!
10- Gliscent!
Something which can glitter, as a sparkle or reflection from light sources. It comes from Latin glocem (“depth”) and then evolved into Middle English “glissement” that means to move swiftly along surfaces! In history, it was used commonly to describe things, such as water catching rocks on their way down streams during flooding seasons, rivers lapping against banks in winter time, ocean urchins and other sea creatures.
11. Collywobbles!
Feelings caused by anxiety and worry connected to a particular subject, typically introduced by an unexpected drastic change in mood or event! It comes from Middle English into modern times where it means “conscience upset at doing something wrong, fearing guilt due to moral considerations”. This is often used as a leading phrase for high-end type commercial advertisements selling products such as drugs.
12. Thrust!
A short sharp push for each shot! In cricket, it translates to a player achieving runs by standing near their bowling arm and lofting an unorthodox length ball from above or behind them. It comes from old English where “thirst” meant angle/positioned close to boards, rails i.e., running along something as well as moving forwards towards a goal line with intention-concentrated strength.
13. Gubbins!
Middle English term for small or tiny objects, usually used in reference to non-sentient material, such as buttons and levers. In modern times, it refers more broadly to components that are minor parts but have significant functions adopted from languages with similar characteristics.
14. Bagpipe!
A Scottish musical instrument consisting of a collection of pipes (like an organ) facing in two directions. It originates from Gaelic uilleann, which is believed to come from the Latin “pipa” meaning pipe and possibly having originated as early as 1500BCE both on Aryan & Non-Aryan continent during migration!
What is the rarest word in the English language?
Just like Christmas presents, many of the best-known words may be more expensive than others. Although there are countless new terms every year it is possible to find some surprisingly rare ones still in use today! Toboggan is the rarest English word, an instrument for sliding down a snow hill or mountain. It comes from Norwegian “tobosjen” meaning to slide down along oneself and ‘på’ means on/along so toboggans are ski sleds but with the addition of being propelled by one’s own movement rather than pushing it downhill.
What is the meaning of “fetch”?
A ‘fetch’ is a person who brings/goes to another person. It comes from pre-Christian English “fet”, meaning action of getting someone something, such as property or goods, and is said to be derived from the Anglo Saxon roots for village (“feohtu”) and farm (“ferhtenu”).
The use of fetch dates back over four thousand years where it was used amongst first farmers & then also seen as an action related to farming.
In conclusion, the commonest English word has only three letters, but the rarest one is very long. Most of us are used to using “buy” as a verb meaning “to spend money on something”. The previous record-holder was high-tech computer complex which itself had been surpassed by information superhighway with fifteen words.