How I Learned to Speak English in 6 Months? 13 Tips!

There are plenty of people who wish to learn English, but it can be a challenge for them. There are many reasons why people want to learn English. The most common reason is that they want to get a job. The second reason is that they want to travel and go abroad. The third reason is that they need a better understanding of the world and its cultures.

How I Learned to Speak English?

Tips to speak English in 6 months

1. Listen to your target language a lot

Knowing your native language is not enough. Listening to the target language consistently, whether it be books or other tapes will help you remember words and grammar rules.

2. Remember that understanding is more important than speaking

People tend to focus on the English language and not learn how to speak it properly. In order for you to learn more effectively, remember that listening is just as important as speaking. Also, listen twice at home when your parents are around so that they can correct your mistakes in a word or sentence. Learning everything like conversation phrases and grammar rules will be a lot easier this way!

3. Learn verb conjugations and sentence structures

Learning verb conjugations is the key to speaking a new language fluently. Since verbs are always in the present tense, getting past the basics of tenses will be very difficult if you don’t know how to do them properly. It will also help you understand expressions more easily. Learn how sentences work as well! You can learn good phrases by looking at other people’s conversations or English books that show proper use in a sentence.

4. Use a good English dictionary

In language learning, this will help you find things much more easily and learn tricky words that are not in that native language dictionary. There is no point in learning this new vocabulary effectively if they aren’t even available! It’s better just to search properly than trying to guess what people want or mean when talking about something right? Don’t delete dictionaries that you don’t particularly like lol. Dictionaries are tools for learning so even if you’re not happy with it, there is no point in deleting them right? Also, make sure to never discard your English dictionary until the day when native speakers use this vocabulary properly.

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5. Grammar

Using grammar rules and learning them properly is something that can seem overwhelming, but it’s actually very simple. The point of understanding proper uses of a verb form or how to conjugate an adjective will help you understand expressions more easily as well as make your native language greater than others in similar-level conversations! Remember that most people don’t learn all these things properly so take advantage of every single chance you get by asking English speakers certain questions and trying to understand the answers.

6. Focus on core language

This is like a mantra. Go back and learn your core vocabulary in detail first before moving to build up any other words, phrases or even sentences! Do have some notes of the commands you learned using my guides though because sometimes remembering many things at once gets tough, especially for beginning students’ comprehension.

7. Get a language partner

You need things to learn and practice with! Get used to this online friend by just logging in every single day, no matter what’s going on. Also, find out a native speaker that uses your language regularly but also has time for them (they don’t necessarily need to respond back when they use your language). Make sure you can speak yesterday’s sentence or phrase correctly before asking it again!

8. Take advantage of the internet (skype) to start practicing

If you’re still unsure of knowing which words to pronounce or what’s correct, there are several tools that can be used alongside Google Translate. Those include the Phrasal verb dictionary and the Corpus Christi Project! Helping complete sentences and even strings of random words is enjoyable because it increases your fluency in both spoken AND written form at once.

READ ALSO  Speaking English with Confidence

9. Create SMART goals

Whether you’re learning a new word, listening to an audio clip, or reading something in the same language, create goals of your personal resolution for every action. Thus by following the steps above regularly you’ll eventually see yourself mastering your target language fully!

10. Be flexible!

So you’re in the beginning phase, there are no right and wrong ways of learning… always have a thick skin. You’ll learn through mistakes more than anything else, so don’t concern over if your 3 new sentences per day rule aren’t working for you or what might happen when “You fail” at first corny Nihongo sentence… Just go ahead with a positive attitude and see how it goes! You might find that 10 sentences per day aren’t possible even for 20 days in a row. This is perfectly okay as long as you don’t give up at the first slip of your willpower!

11. Use Learning Material You Care About

This is one of the main things that I’ve always done and counseled other students to do in my classes, so I figured it would be more useful than simply describing how to learn Japanese. Another way to approach learning new vocabulary and/or kanji will be by using resources you’re interested in.

12. Keep Learning English Enjoyable

For example, you can write a song that you both can enjoy! This can make studying much more interesting and fun. Or if English isn’t your strongest language, try a book that is interested in the topic or a song/movie related to it.

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Two of my favorite are:

  1. Pride and Prejudice
  2. Winter’s Tale

And you can use humor to make learning easier! (I used to read things like “How Practical Language Learners Talk About Used Psychology-Tools” on the internet, which helped me understand grammar and pronunciation in a better way.)

If you have friends who speak English very well, use that as motivation while studying. It can be quite motivating when they are eager to teach you their personal knowledge of the language and give you difficulties rather than just tell off mispronounced words or sentences.

13. Go Out and Meet New People!

This is much more important to me than other techniques I will show later in the document because making friends easily in Japan could get easier once you’ve bought your apartment and are settled down with many Japanese, Italian or Spanish friends…

In brief, the best way to be fluent in speaking the English language is by doing the following:

General Instruction:

  • Be patient when reading and listening, most important is not to underestimate the power of speaking.
  • Take care since it may be easy for you in your native language, but finding correct grammar can surely make things difficult.
  • Rely on other people rather than recording teachers’ sentences and spending time silent while practicing vocabulary words (which are useless if they’re mispronounced…).
  • Keep learning English enjoyable
  • Be out there and interact with people!