How to Learn to Speak English Fluently: Best 13 Tips & Tricks!

If you have been struggling to learn to speak English fluently, fret not! There are numerous tips and tricks that can help you accelerate your learning journey and improve your language skills. Whether you are a beginner or have some knowledge of English, these powerful techniques will guide you towards fluency.

How to learn to speak English fluently?!

Let’s tell you about 13 effective tips and tricks to help you master the art of how to speak English fluency:

  1. Accept the discomfort of speaking English at first
  2. Keep a Vocabulary Journal
  3. Work on Idioms and Phrases
  4. Take English Classes or Courses online 
  5. Get a personal tutor
  6. Make the most of technology: apps – websites – videos
  7. Improve your pronunciation
  8. Learn phrases, not just words
  9. Relax about English grammar/Accept that it has a lot of exceptions
  10. Songs help you learn more words and expressions.
  11. Chat with anyone, anytime 
  12. Learn English slang
  13. Review and test frequently

1. Accept the discomfort of speaking English at first

Learning to speak English fluently can be a challenging and uncomfortable process, especially in the beginning. However, it is important to accept and embrace this discomfort as it is a necessary part of the learning journey. Learning English fluently at first may feel awkward and unfamiliar, but with practice and persistence, it becomes easier and more natural.

It is important to push through the discomfort and continue speaking English regularly, whether it is with native speakers, language exchange partners, or even by practicing speaking alone. By accepting and embracing the initial discomfort, one can overcome the barriers to fluency and ultimately become a confident and fluent English speaker.

2. Keep a Vocabulary Journal

Keeping a vocabulary journal is a helpful and effective method to learn to speak English fluently. By recording new words and phrases in a journal, learners can actively engage with the language and regularly review and practice their vocabulary. This process helps to reinforce the memorization and understanding of words, as well as improve pronunciation and usage.

Additionally, writing down and organizing new vocabulary can enhance language retention and make it easier to recall and use in conversation. By consistently maintaining a vocabulary journal, learners can track their progress, expand their language skills, and ultimately become more fluent in English.

3. Work on Idioms and Phrases

To learn to speak English fluently, it is essential to work on idioms and phrases. Idioms and phrases are commonly used expressions that have a figurative meaning different from the literal interpretation of the words. They add color and depth to the language and are frequently used in everyday conversations.

By familiarizing yourself with idioms and phrases, you will be able to understand and communicate more effectively with native English speakers. Learning idioms and phrases can be achieved through various methods such as reading books, watching movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts or songs, and actively practicing their usage in conversations.

4. Take English Classes or Courses online

This image talks about learn to speak english fluently
This image talks about learn to speak english fluently

Learning to speak English fluently is a goal for many people around the world. One effective way to achieve this is by taking English classes or courses online.

Online classes offer convenience and flexibility, allowing learners to study and learn to speak English fluently at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes.

These classes often provide structured lessons and materials, as well as opportunities for practice and interaction with instructors and other students. Additionally, online courses may offer various levels of proficiency, catering to different learners’ needs and abilities.

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By enrolling in English classes or courses online, individuals can receive expert guidance and support as they work towards improving their English speaking skills.

5. Get a personal tutor

This image talks about learn to speak english fluently
This image talks about learn to speak english fluently

One effective way to learn to speak English fluently is by getting a personal tutor. Having a personal tutor allows you to receive individualized attention and guidance tailored to your specific needs and learning style.

A tutor can provide you with structured lessons, practice speaking exercises, and valuable feedback to help you improve your English speaking skills. Additionally, a tutor can also help you build confidence in speaking English by providing a supportive and encouraging learning environment.

With consistent practice and guidance from a personal tutor, you can enhance your fluency in speaking English.

6. Make the most of technology: apps – websites – videos

To learn to speak English fluently, it is essential to make the most of technology. There are various resources available such as language learning apps, websites, and videos that can greatly aid in language acquisition.

Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive lessons, vocabulary practice, and pronunciation exercises. Websites like FluentU and BBC Learning English provide a wide range of learning materials, including articles, videos, and quizzes.

Additionally, watching English videos, movies, and TV shows can help improve listening skills and expose learners to different accents and expressions. By utilizing these technological resources, learners can enhance their English fluency and comprehension effectively.

List of the best free applications for how to speak fluent in English:

  • Speak English Fluently
  • RadioLingo
  • 100Talks
  • Duolingo
  • Mondly

7. Improve your pronunciation

Improving your pronunciation is a crucial step in learning to speak English fluently. Pronunciation refers to the way we say words and sounds, and it plays a significant role in effective communication. When you have clear and accurate pronunciation, it becomes easier for others to understand you, and you can express yourself more confidently.

To improve your pronunciation, you can practice speaking with native English speakers, listen to recordings or podcasts, and use pronunciation guides or online resources. Additionally, paying attention to stress, intonation, and rhythm in English can also contribute to learn to speak English fluently. With consistent practice and dedication, you can gradually improve your pronunciation and become more fluent in speaking English.

8. Learn phrases, not just words

Learning to speak English fluently requires more than just memorizing individual words. It is important to learn phrases and idiomatic expressions that are commonly used in everyday conversation. By learning phrases, you can better understand how words are used together and how native English speakers communicate naturally. Additionally, learning phrases help you to think in English and speak more fluently without having to translate word by word in your head.

Here are 10 daily phrases you can use learn to speak English fluently:

  1. Nice to meet you.
  2. How are you?
  3. Excuse me.
  4. How is your day going?
  5. Thank you so much.
  6. I am sorry.
  7. I am learning English.
  8. What time is our meeting?
  9. Good morning.
  10. Where are you from?

9. Relax about English grammar/Accept that it has a lot of exceptions

Learning fluent English can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to mastering grammar. However, one key aspect to remember is to relax about English grammar. While grammar is important to learn to speak English fluently, it is equally important to understand that English has numerous exceptions and irregularities. Instead of getting caught up in trying to memorize every rule, it is more beneficial to focus on practising and using the language in real-life situations. By accepting that English grammar can be complex and unpredictable, learners can approach the language with a more relaxed mindset, allowing for a smoother and more natural progression towards fluency.

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10. Songs help you learn more words and expressions.

Learning to speak English fluently can be a challenging task, but incorporating songs into your language-learning journey can be highly beneficial. Songs are a great tool for expanding your vocabulary as they expose you to new words and expressions in a fun and memorable way. By listening to and singing along with English songs, you can improve your pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Songs often contain idiomatic expressions and colloquial phrases that are commonly used in everyday conversations. 

An amazing list of songs to help you learn to speak English fluently:

    1. California Dreamin‘” by The Mamas and the Papas
    2. You Look Perfect Tonight” by Ed Sheeran
    3. Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers
    4. And I Love Her” by The Beatles
    5. You’re My Best Friend” by Queen
    6. Dance The Night” by Dua Lipa

11. Chat with anyone, anytime

Learning to speak English fluently can be a challenging task, but one effective way to improve your language skills is by engaging in conversations with native English speakers. Thanks to the advancements in technology, you can now chat with anyone, anytime, regardless of your geographical location.

This provides a great opportunity to practice your speaking skills, gain confidence, and learn from native speakers’ pronunciation and vocabulary. Whether it’s through language exchange platforms, online forums, or language learning apps, engaging in conversations with English speakers can significantly enhance your fluency and help you become more comfortable in using the language in real-life situations.

12. Learn English slang

Learning to speak English fluently involves more than just mastering grammar and vocabulary. One important thing to learn to speak English fluently is learning slang. Slang is an informal language that is commonly used among native English speakers in casual conversations. It adds colour and authenticity to your language skills and helps you understand and communicate with native speakers more effectively.

Learning slang can be done through a variety of methods, such as watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, reading books and articles, and engaging in conversations with native speakers. By incorporating slang into your English learning journey, you will be able to speak more naturally and confidently in everyday conversations.

13. Review and test frequently

To learn to speak English fluently, it is important to review and test your skills frequently. This involves regularly practising your speaking abilities by engaging in conversations with native English speakers or language exchange partners. Additionally, taking part in language courses or attending language schools can provide structured opportunities for learning and practising English speaking skills.

Regularly reviewing and testing your knowledge through quizzes, exams, or language proficiency tests can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress towards fluency. Consistent practice and evaluation are key to developing fluency in speaking English.

Try to think in English. Talk silently to yourself in English during the day. This will help you think in English, instead of thinking in your native language and then translating. 1

READ ALSO  How Can I Learn English? 10 Super Useful Steps to Teach Yourself English!

FAQs about how to speak English:

1. How can I train myself to speak English fluently?

      • Practice speaking English every day with native speakers or language exchange partners.
      • Listen to English podcasts, music, and watch movies or TV shows in English to improve your listening skills.
      • Take English conversation classes or enroll in language courses to receive guidance and feedback from experienced instructors.
      • Set specific goals and create a study schedule to stay motivated and track your progress in improving your fluency.

2. How long does it take to learn to speak English fluently?

The time it takes to learn to speak English fluently can vary greatly depending on various factors such as the individual’s prior knowledge of the language, their learning methods, the amount of time and effort they dedicate to practicing, and their exposure to the language. However, on average, it can take anywhere from several months to several years to become fluent in speaking English. It is important to note that fluency is a continuous process and requires consistent practice and immersion in the language.

3. How can I speak English fluent in 30 days?

Becoming fluent in any language, including English, in just 30 days is an ambitious goal. However, there are several strategies that can help you improve your English speaking skills in a shorter period of time.

      • Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible by surrounding yourself with English speakers or by watching movies, and TV shows, and listening to music in English.
      • Tongue twisters are a great way to have fun and improve your speed, rhythm and pronunciation. 2
      • Practice speaking English every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
      • Engage in conversations with native speakers or find language exchange partners to practice speaking with.
      • Utilize online resources such as language learning apps, podcasts, and online courses to supplement your learning.
      • Be patient and persistent, as language learning takes time and effort.

4. How can I speak English fluently in 30 days?

If I want to learn to speak English fluently, I should follow these important steps:

      1. Practice speaking English every day, even if it’s for a short period of time.
      2. Immerse yourself in the language by watching movies, and TV shows, or listening to podcasts in English.
      3. Find a language exchange partner or join a conversation group to practice speaking with native English speakers.
      4. Use language learning apps or websites that provide interactive exercises and speaking practice to improve your fluency.

5. How to easy speak English?

To speak English easily, it is important to practice regularly, immerse yourself in the language, and focus on improving your vocabulary and pronunciation. Additionally, using language learning resources such as online courses, language exchange programs, and practising with native English speakers can also help improve your English speaking skills.

In conclusion, by implementing these 13 powerful tips and tricks, anyone can learn to speak English fluently. It requires dedication, practice, and consistent effort, but with the right mindset and resources, fluency in English is attainable. So, don’t be discouraged, keep pushing yourself, and soon enough, you’ll be speaking English fluently with confidence.


  1. How to speak English fluently and confidently? (n.d.-b). Edoxi Training Institute.
  2. Mondly. (2015). How to speak English: 8 tips to speak fluent – Mondly. Mondly Languages.