19 Tips on How to Improve English Speaking!

How to Improve English Speaking? English is the most widely spoken language in the world. However, this does not mean that everyone speaks it well. Many people find themselves trapped between a command of words and the need to communicate clearly. This article will provide you with useful tips for improving your English speaking skills.

Let’s read about how can we improve our speaking English. Speaking means you have to use the correct words, sentences and phrases to communicate effectively. Therefore, for effective speaking, you need to speak with ease and confidence. That means: you have to use sentences that are grammatically correct and understandable, you have to use words that are common in the context of your speech and you have to understand when what is said. In this article, we will look at some tips on how can we improve our English speaking skills.

How to Improve English Speaking

1) Study the form of sentences, tenses, and grammar.

Speaking accurately and fluently is not just a matter of having correct pronunciation, with improved vocabulary as well you can fine-tune your ability to speak. Use all the possible opportunities to improve our English speaking skills by learning more new words and expressing those learnings correctly.

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2) Memorize and highlight key vocabulary and phrases in a textbook.

Knowing your language is not enough, you should take the time to memorize and practice all of it. To do so prepare yourself by learning many words lists with different levels of difficulty: specific, general everyday use English.

3) Make simple conversations with yourself.

It is important to practice using new words in simple, natural conversations with yourself, name one of your best friends or classmates and say something you would ordinarily say.

4) Practice speaking English with native speakers.

To do so enroll in the several courses available in English-speaking countries. Try to take the opportunity to learn with native speakers, Australian, Irish or others through an online lesson, if possible it is always better to have a teacher nearby.

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5) Write your thoughts on paper.

Look at writing process closely too because you are making decisions, using rhythm and trying out different vocabulary all while speaking improperly prepares you for communicating effectively in real-life situations. The bottom line when speaking about improving our English skills is this: practice, put your knowledge to daily use and focus on making sure it doesn’t sound stilted or forced.

5) Consider yourself an English speaker Not a native speaker.

To be fluent consider yourself an English speaker Not a native speaker, not a 2-months learner, no matter what. You will grow into an English proficient individual that can communicate quite effectively to others with just enough sweat and practice – without being authentic!

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6)listening to native speakers regularly.

Listening is also useful to improve your command of the language by listening to native speakers regularly, internalizing their accent and seeing how they use particular words you will better understand their speech patterns, listening is a skill.
Both language learners need practice in order to reach fluency but one can also take certain steps that greatly improve spoken English that could easily translate into smarter decisions upon fluent English after kicking habits.

7) Listen to audio that improves your accent.

Listen to audio that improves your accent, especially in difficult to understand sections of the language often known as “code-switching”. Using your ears that way will help you speak more clearly, making yourself understood. Don’t forget that when English learning or learning languages can be like building a house with bricks, one brick is worth three cement, grammar phrases are added on top of each other until communication becomes 10X easier than ever before!

8) Stick to it Focus during English classes or English lessons to improve your skills!

Just like exercising does for our physical wellbeing. Never give up on a language that you are passionate about or that can help boost your career, income, or personal development (This is what makes “economy” the best English teacher!).

9) review vocabulary at least 4 times a week.

Apply these tips and numerous other ways to perfect specific areas of speaking with an authentic speech by using natural conversation as often as possible.

10) Don’t forget to learn idioms to expand your language skills “necessities”.

Clear communication needs to be convincing. If you want to improve speaking, start learning literal English idioms that imply clear ideas and speak well of the speaker.

11) Watch subtitles, unless they are the only way you can comprehend something.

Subtitles, especially in foreign languages, will help you increase your skill into speakers that speak differently than the language is most commonly spoken, it’s helpful to be able to understand speech without subtitles as well!

12) Understand how culture changes.

Understand how culture changes would bring certain idioms and concepts closer together either intellectually or geographically.

13) Keep a small dictionary in your pocket.

You can’t always rely on Google Translate. If you are in a country that English doesn’t regularly come out of people’s mouths, being able to think fast and have a quick vocabulary under your belt will change the way both locals are just as capable of communicating with foreigners who speak better English – This is because when exchange takes place via translation – think about how difficult it must be for non-native speakers to communicate with natives!

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14) Chat in an effective way.

When you want to feel more comfortable and ready for English conversations, it is important to use the most effective ways possible. Besides your accent being modified due to different – but similar trends in speech habits, culture-wise clashes will always cause problems. It would be kind of funny if during an hour-long conversation both sides do not know how what each other are saying.

15) Keep in mind English is important.

You don’t own the English language, you sometimes can be in places where it would make more sense to learn other languages but if it is hard for you. Imagine your second or third choice language. Similarities in speech habits touch on how one would speak about something clearly and concisely when speaking another language. Make an effort to communicate as they do!

16) Communication with foreigners.

Be concentrated, insistent and determined over maintaining good communication with foreigners. OK, what does English sound like to foreigners.

17) Trust in your abilities.

It sometimes seems impossible that you could learn a language, but why can’t I do this?

18) Keep daydreaming.

If everything else fails, think about how it would be if everybody spoke your native tongue fluently and naturally and never had to bother with learning another one – Which was something many found extremely wonderful – make up stories of reaching dreamland.

18) Be yourself a teacher.

The best way is to be yourself a teacher and always help each other and never discriminate, don’t accept it and you’ll get closer to your goal. Be patient with accepting mistakes. If we manage will have no problem speaking our own language.

19) Get eager for general English knowledge.

Read the people around you from time to time go over a big range of subjects seeing if their level is well-acquainted before choosing one calling international attention by inspiring them in order this way forward could be a great way.

I hope these mentioned tips will help you take steps forward in learning or improving speaking quickly and fluency. Share your own way of improving English speaking with others to let them benefit from it.

A skilled speaker can use the sub skills of pronunciation to emphasise and make the communicative effect of their speech more impactful. The sub skills of pronunciation include: word and sentence stress, intonation, rhythm and the use of the individual sounds of a language. 1


How to get better speaking in English?

Improving your speaking skills in English requires consistent practice and a strategic approach. Here are some effective tips to help you get better at speaking in English:

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Speak Regularly: The more you speak, the better you’ll become. Make speaking in English a daily habit, even if it’s just a few minutes of conversation.

Find Conversation Partners: Practice with native speakers or fluent English speakers. Join language exchange groups, online communities, or use language exchange apps to find partners.

Online Language Tutors: Consider taking online lessons with a language tutor or teacher. They can provide structured feedback and guidance.

Shadowing: Listen to English speakers in movies, TV shows, or podcasts, and try to mimic their pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. This technique is known as “shadowing.”

Record Yourself: Record your spoken English regularly. This allows you to analyze your pronunciation and identify areas for improvement.

How can I speak English very very well?

Speaking English very well requires time, practice, and a systematic approach to language learning. Here are some steps to help you achieve a high level of English proficiency:

Set Clear Goals: Define your specific language goals. What level of fluency do you want to achieve? Is it for travel, work, academic purposes, or personal interest?

Immerse Yourself in English: Surround yourself with the English language as much as possible. Watch English-language TV shows, movies, and listen to podcasts or audiobooks.

Take English Classes: Enroll in English courses, either in-person or online, with qualified teachers. Formal instruction can provide structure and guidance.

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Dedicate a specific amount of time each day or week to speaking and practicing English.

Speak with Native Speakers: Engage in conversations with native English speakers or fluent speakers. Language exchange partners or conversation clubs can be valuable.

How can I train myself to speak good English?

  • Set clear language goals and objectives.
  • Practice speaking English regularly.
  • Surround yourself with English-language media.
  • Engage in conversations with native or fluent speakers.
  • Utilize language learning apps and resources.
  • Take English language classes or courses.
  • Read English texts aloud.
  • Record and listen to your own speech for self-assessment.
  • Focus on improving pronunciation and intonation.
  • Learn new vocabulary and phrases consistently.

In conclusion, enhancing your English speaking skills is an achievable and rewarding journey that opens doors to countless opportunities. Throughout this article, we’ve explored a comprehensive roadmap to help you embark on this linguistic adventure.

From setting clear goals to engaging in regular practice, immersing yourself in English, and seeking feedback, the path to speaking fluently is well-paved. Embracing technology, language learning apps, and community engagement can also greatly enhance your proficiency.



  1. English. (2018, October 11). THE FOUR SPEAKING SKILLS | English BINUS University. English BINUS University.